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Inside Out is a non-profit registered charity that operates an office year-round in Toronto with a commitment to challenge attitudes and change lives through the exhibition, promotion and production of film and video by, about and for the LGBT communities. Inside Out presents annual film festivals in Toronto and Ottawa as well as producing the Queer Video Mentorship Project, administering the Mark S. Bonham Scholarship, and presenting year-round screenings and events. These activities would not be possible without the commitment and hard work of approximately 200 volunteers.

Volunteering is a great way to meet people, get involved in your community, see movies and damn it, feel good! There are many ways you can volunteer your time and your skills to Inside Out:

Year Round Volunteering

Office Worker Bees: Provide admin support to our tiny hard-working office team. Tasks include data entry, mailing, filing, organizing, writing etc. Generally shifts are only available Mon-Fri during office hours, 10am-6pm.

Programming: Assist the programming team with inputting and organizing submissions and dubbing tapes. Mon-Fri during office hours.

Special Events: Help out at year-round screenings and special events: ushering, ticket-taking, setting-up, postering, guest list, serving, bartending (must have Smart Serve certification and be 19 yrs. and older) and generally lending a hand.

If you're interested in YEAR-ROUND volunteering click here to fill out our online application form. We will contact you based on volunteer opportunities that come up and your availability. Please feel free to contact Tina for more information at 416-977-6847 ext.30 or festival@insideout.ca

Volunteer at the Toronto LGBT Film and Video Festival: May 17-27, 2012

Since 1991, Inside Out has presented Canada's largest queer film and video festival. Over 11 fabulous days, the Festival draws crowds of more than 35,000 to parties, directors' talks, panel discussions and screenings of more than 200 films and videos from Canada and around the world.

Theatres: Be in the action! Help out our Front-of-House team manage the crowds in and out of the theatres. Tasks include ticket-taking, ushering, handing out ballots and line management.

Parties/Special Events: Social butterfly? Help out at our Festival parties with guest list, set-up, serving, security and bartending (must have Smart Serve certification and be 19 yrs. and older).

Driving: If you have a valid drivers license and access to a car you can help us pick-up and drop-off guests of the Festival to and from the airport.

Billeting: Do you have a spare bed/room/house to offer a visiting filmmaker? Help us make our guests feel welcome by providing a homestay.

All Festival volunteers MUST attend an orientation session. The dates and times will be posted closer to Festival time

The Payback!

All Inside Out volunteers receive:

  • A complimentary regular screening voucher for every 4 hour shift
  • An exclusive Inside Out t-shirt
  • Your very own post-fest Volunteer Party
  • Access to Inside Out Closing Night Gala Party
  • The experience of working in a fabulous team putting together the largest queer film festival in Canada!

Anyone interested in volunteering for the 22nd annual Festival should attend one of our Volunteer Orientation and Sign-up Sessions. Sign up sessions will take place in early May. Check back for exact dates and locations.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! Please contact festival@insideout.ca or 416-977-6847 ext. 30 if you have any questions or concerns.

DID YOU KNOW?: Volunteering is a great way to meet people, get involved in the community, see movies and feel good!