Your business or corporation can support Inside Out and help us achieve our mandate of Challenging Attitudes and Changing Lives by sponsoring one or all of our yearly initiatives:
- Toronto LGBT Film Festival
- Ottawa LGBT Film Festival
- New Visions Program
- Inside Out Online LGBTQ+ Catalogue
- Year-round Screenings
Our members and audiences are well educated with high household incomes who actively seek out products and services from companies seen as LGBTQ+ positive.
Sponsorship of our key initiatives offers exposure in a variety of ways:
- Advertising in Festival catalogue
- Website advertising
- Logo recognition
- Movie house slide advertising
- Pre-screening trailers
- On-site sampling/displays
- And more…
Inside Out is always looking for new and exciting advertisers for all of our year-round initiatives, including respective LGBT Film Festivals in Toronto and Ottawa. Our community of supporters, patrons and stakeholders provide a demographic profile composed of upper income, well-educated consumers who are brand loyal. Recent surveys state that 77% of our audience actively supports brands, products or services that sponsor or advertise with Inside Out.